In other words, evolution and the second law of thermodynamics can live together in harmony. No, human beings did not evolve ...
The findings push back the timing of ancient human rainforest occupation "by more than double," said archaeologist Eslem Ben ...
How did humans evolve into the big-brained, bipedal ape that we are today? This article examines the fossil evidence of our 6 million year evolution. Darwin's great insight, and the unifying ...
For the past 150 years, scientists and laypeople alike have accepted a “savanna” scenario of human evolution. The theory, primarily based on fossil evidence, suggests that because our ancestral ape ...
According to the researchers, their conclusions about the facial development of embryonic mice also appears to apply to us ...
Darwin's foes protest ape-man connection. While On the Origin of Species does not address human evolution, critics assume (correctly) that Darwin thinks humans are no exception. At a meeting of ...
These two monkey species share a common ancestor with modern humans from around 25 million ... circuit design and offering insights into how evolution has modified the nervous system to shape ...
Living hominoids (apes) are united by features related to their unusual locomotion, but few such traits are found in the earliest fossil forms. Which adaptations were likely present in the ...
afarensis as "the ape that walked upright" makes it a celebrity species in the story of human evolution. Lucy's pelvis hints that she walked upright on two legs. When her crushed remains were ...
Two fossils named Ardi and Lucy provide evidence for human evolution. Both were found in ... but possessed a relatively small ape-like skull. Lucy's foot bones show that she had similar feet ...