Grazing animals can destroy many desert plants and animals ... which have also been used as nuclear testing grounds. We can more efficiently use existing water resources and better control ...
When you picture a desert you probably think of sand dunes and animals at a watering hole in Africa. Or maybe you think of ...
"It's expensive as we have to buy water regularly to irrigate these plants," he says. Farmers have to use tankers to bring in water, and in the desert farms use almost three times as much water as ...
We've actively sought to limit off-road vehicle use throughout the desert tortoise's range, including appealing the opening of two illegal off-road vehicle routes in Kern County, California. In 2000 ...
Desert ants can sense the North-South direction ... Small songbirds and possibly also insects such as monarch butterflies are thought to use this mechanism. The Collaborative Research Centre ...
"This paper and others like it continue to build a case that climate impacts and water resource management are going to drastically change our world unless we make some major changes." The ...