All MetroRail trains have audio and visual announcements inside and outside the rail cars to indicate the next arrival. The ...
After one last afternoon in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees Thursday, southeasterly winds usher in much warmer weather by ...
Houston's METROrail leads the U.S. in pedestrian injuries, with 58 incidents since 2008. HOUSTON — Houton’s METROrail has had more pedestrian injuries than any light rail system in the U.S., according ...
The regional transit authority’s flagship initiative has changed from “METRONext” to “METRONow.” According to observers, it’s ...
On May 25, 1953, KUHT made television history when it signed on the air for its premier broadcast. As America's first public television station, KUHT has served as a model and example for other ...
Houston officials formally announced a new initiative Monday aimed at improving safety, cleanliness, and ridership for the city's public transportation system.
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A man was jumped and shot at in the parking lot of a West Houston gas station, and Houston police said it was over a minor car bump. It happened on Synott near Ashford ...
The multifaceted plan provides a roadmap for ridership growth, financial sustainability and the establishment of key ...
HOUSTON — A search is underway for a suspect after a man was shot and killed at a gas station Sunday, according to the Houston Police Department. It happened at a gas station on North MacGregor ...