The story follows the corrupt cop Joseph Thorne (Craig Sheffer) as he investigates a murderer known as The Engineer ... who encounters the "Hellraiser" Cenobites in "The Scarlet Gospels ...
Hellraiser is a British horror film franchise is based on the novella The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker. The films continually features the Cenobite Pinhead. The series’ storyline focuses on a ...
Hellraiser is a British horror film franchise is based on the novella The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker. The films continually features the Cenobite Pinhead. The series’ storyline focuses on a ...
Odessa A'Zion stars as the addict, Riley. (Image via Hulu) Odessa A'Zion plays the leading role of Riley McKendry, who starts out as a recovering drug addict. She comes into possession of a ...
Hellraiser is about as out-there as quasi ... singular depiction of the Cenobites themselves. Barker and his production team invested all their energy in the right places, ensuring that audiences ...
Hellraiser is a British horror film franchise is based on the novella The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker. The films continually features the Cenobite Pinhead. The series’ storyline focuses on a ...