The stories featured in this lesson are based on the true story of an Akita-breed dog named Hachi, who greeted his owner, Professor Hidesaburō Ueno, at Shibuya Station or the gate of the University of ...
A real-life Hachiko dog became a royal pet after she was adopted by a princess in Thailand. Devoted canine Moo Dang had been staying on the steps of a 7-Eleven store since her master died in Nakhon ...
As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hachiko, public fondness for the beloved Akita Inu dog hasn't wavered, particularly among elderly Tokyoites such as Maki Kuroi. Kuroi, 96 ...
TSU--A century after an Akita Inu dog was born in northeastern Japan, his legacy lives on to this day and even continues growing among a legion of fans. Hachiko, the loyal dog that waited for his ...