Discover the best time to plant bulbs for stunning blooms. This guide provides expert advice on when to plant different types ...
Bigger, or, bulb onions are ideally grown in large containers to provide each onion with approximately 7 centimetres around each plant. APRIL SPECIAL OFFER: Get 10% off all Seeds from Suttons here ...
Although it’s much easier to plant bulbs in the ground, you need a lot of, say crocuses or scillas, for a good show. But you get a fantastic effect in a small space by close planting in pots.
If you want a great patio display, try growing bulbs in pots. Keep it simple by planting a variety on its own or several of the same variety packed closely together for a bumper show. Several ...
To take full advantage of the winter months and the landscaping benefits you can gain from big, shrubby perennial herbs, here ...
Many summer bulbs are ideal for growing in patio containers, especially tender species. These can then be lifted in winter and stored. Most summer bulbs are not hardy so need to be lifted before ...
Or you can cover the lily container with a cloche or anything similar to keep the rain off.' How late can you plant lily ...
Lilies have all the glamorous looks to match their heady perfume. Plant bulbs in spring, directly into mixed borders or ...
Whilst the weather is warm, try watering your garden in the evening once temperatures have dropped and the sun has started to ...
Spring-flowering bulbs are being harvested at bulb farms around the northern hemisphere to be graded, packed and sold from ...
This week's Ask the Master Gardener column includes advice for when tomatoes, elephant ears and lavender aren't doing as well ...
July in rose-growing circles is known as the month for black spot. If you find it, remove the affected leaves and spray the ...