We recommend that other municipalities that are experiencing similar seasonal nuisance goose problems consider using nonlethal fencing options. Abraham, K. F., J. O. Leafloor, and D. H. Rusch. 1999.
Krohn, W. B., and E. G. Bizeau. 1979. Molt migration of the Rocky Mountain population of the western Canada goose. Pages 130–140 in R. L. Jarvis and J. C. Bartonek, editors. Management and biology of ...
Canada geese are typically herded off of lakes during their flightless feather-molting period in June. In the past they've ...
What can you do if you have goose problems? During most times of the year, geese can be scared away with the use of harassment techniques. But, because geese cannot fly during the molt ...
I love the molting season with my mixed flock. I find many gorgeous feathers including duck feathers, peacock feathers, guinea feathers, goose and turkey feathers too! Peacocks actually lose their ...
The roundups occur in the month when the geese are molting and can't fly ... The DNR has helped mitigate human-goose conflicts for 40 years, said Kaitlyn Barnes, the agency's acting waterfowl ...