Níl post páirtaimseartha agam. I don't have a part-time job. Caithfidh mé post páirtaimseartha a fháil. I have to get a part-time job. Tá sé ar intinn agam post páirtaimseartha a fháil sa ...
Full-time jobs are getting harder to find for many Americans and so they're taking part-time positions. The ranks of such workers are growing.
Me working now was to make up the difference. My problem is my husband sees no problem or need to get a part-time job, but he does think it’s OK for me to pick up extra hours should we need some ...
Part-time jobs aren't limited to low-wage occupations. Retirees may be able to find part-time positions in the same fields in which they worked full-time. Many positions pay qualified part-time ...
If your debt load is light and your housing and other daily costs are low, you might consider a more conservative annual draw ...
Rachel Wells is a writer who covers freelancing, AI, and remote work. Part-time jobs may be elusive, but the idea of working part-time and undertaking such work remotely might seem even more far ...
The good news is that there are actually jobs that exist, that satisfy both conditions—being part-time as well as being remote. Researchers from FlexJobs recently released a report on part-time ...
To get there, part-time workers can use the following strategies. Open a retirement account. Make your own benefits package. Use a health savings account. Work more than one part-time job.
Part-Time Jobs for Students: The expenses of college students are more than their budget. In such a situation, it becomes easier to take out pocket money through part-time jobs. Some students also ...