A scientist at the National Air and Space Museum is on the hunt for evidence that life could have existed on Mars.
It can be argued that geology emerged as a science because of the scientific reasoning that was applied to this problem (Davies, 1969). It was one of the great surprises of modern planetary science ...
According to the new study, scientists compared the soil in Mars' Gale Crater—collected by NASA 's Curiosity Rover—with soil ...
The red planet Mars, named for the Roman god of war, has long been an omen in the night sky. And in its own way, the planet’s rusty red surface tells a story of destruction. Billions of years ...
Aganippe Fossa stretches about 375 miles across the surface of Mars, making it longer than the 277-mile-long Grand Canyon.
Siccar Point helped date the age of the Earth. Now rocks from Rum could help scientists discover whether there has ever been ...
On May 30, 2024, the rover inadvertently cracked open a rock, revealing vibrant yellow sulfur crystals that have never been ...
While the earlier rovers were focused on geology and understanding the environment of Mars, Percy is looking for signs of past life and the recent discovery of Atoko Point can definitely provide ...
Nasa’s Perseverance Mars rover has discovered a never-before-seen light-toned boulder in a field of dark rocks, a finding that sheds new light on the Red Planet’s geology. The rover ...
“The penny is a nod to a geology tradition, where an object of known scale is used as a size reference for close-up photos of rocks and soil.” MAHLI’s full name is Mars Hand Lens Image ...
The European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter reveals a wild geologic feature on Mars that stretches for over 370 miles ...
In the 1970s, the two Viking spacecraft returned images of the surface of Mars in which numerous small domes, knobs, and mounds were visible. Based on the presence of summit depressions in many of ...