adalah layanan online yang digunakan untuk menghapus latar belakang dari gambar secara otomatis. Layanan ini menggunakan teknologi kecerdasan buatan untuk mendeteksi dan memisahkan objek ...
Ketika sedang berkumpul, agar cerita yang kamu sampaikan pada keluarga jadi lebih menarik dan menghidupkan suasana, tak ada salahnya untuk menyisipkan teka-teki gambar lucu yang bikin unik dan ...
Although there isn't an Undo button on the Notes app, there is an undo function built into the iPhone itself. All you have to do is give the iPhone a shake while the app is still open and the ...
Huawei baru saja meluncurkan tablet terbaru mereka, MatePad 11.5 S, yang dirancang khusus untuk membantu pengguna mengasah ...
Unlike the PC, where it is possible to undo multiple actions back-to-back, you can only undo your most recently performed action on the iPhone. 1. Firmly grasp your iPhone in either one or both hands.
Graphic Design looks simple but not. You have to work on tens of layers and many versions until you get what you want. In such a hectic process, mistakes are ...
Soal UAS Kelas 10 SMA/MA Semester 1 mata pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi atau TIK berbentuk pilihan ganda ini ...
You will get a prompt that says- Are you sure you want to remove this account? This will remove your access to resources like email, apps, network, and all content associated with it. Your ...
A quick shake, for example, prompts a pop-up to undo your typing, and another quick shake reverses this action and restores your text. Here's how it's done. 1. After typing text in your Messages ...
Penggunaan gadget pun sudah menjadi bagian penting dalam aktivitas sehari-hari, baik untuk komunikasi, hiburan, bekerja, ...
Reversing the last government's decision to cancel or reduce some climate policies would help tackle the cost of living and cut bills, the UK's climate watchdog has said. The Climate Change ...