A dog foster carer said she was inspired to volunteer after seeing her local rehoming centre on TV. Morgan Ackland was asked ...
A local animal rescue is asking for the community's help in freeing up space at its facility. Final Victory Animal Rescue on ...
Within an hour of meeting Norman, Carlyn Foreman said she was "already in love with him" and started to dread the idea of ...
South Utah Valley Animal Shelter in Spanish Fork offers opportunities for residents and college students to get outside and ...
Many of the animals have been discarded for health defects, banished by rental regulations or abandoned to the outdoors by ...
A Saltillo woman is painting and selling pet portraits to cover the cost of fostering animals in the community.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Care and Control is changing its weekend hours to better accommodate the public and enhance ...
"We specialize in senior and special needs dogs," said a Knox Vintage Pet Project volunteer. The Knox Vintage Pet Project works to foster and find homes for typically overlooked dogs. Ashley ...
Adoption fees for all dogs, including puppies, are waived Wednesday through Sunday in an effort to clear the shelter.