The prescribed dosage for fluconazole may depend on your individual treatment plan. Other factors, including the specific diagnosis, age, and body weight, may affect your dosage of fluconazole.
Fluconazole 2mg/mL; soln for IV infusion ... Esophageal candidiasis: 200mg on Day 1, then 100mg/day for at least 3 weeks; treat for at least 2 weeks after symptoms resolve; max 400mg/day.
This study was designed to assess the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of oral fluconazole given at 300 mg once weekly for two weeks in the treatment of tinea versicolor. Enrolled into the study ...
The treatment was well tolerated. Although the in vivo concentration of fluconazole necessary for a therapeutic effect is not yet known, the study demonstrates that concentrations known to be ...
Fluconazole 10mg/mL ... Esophageal candidiasis: 200mg on Day 1, then 100mg/day for at least 3 weeks; treat for at least 2 weeks after symptoms resolve; max 400mg/day. Systemic infections: doses ...
Effective from January 1, 2001, standard fluconazole prophylaxis for all VLBW infants has been instituted in our NICU: thus, a comparison was also made among the 2 different periods (July 1997 ...
Critically, we demonstrated that cryptococcal susceptibility to fluconazole is an important predictor of treatment success for patients with acute AIDS-associated cryptococcal meningitis. These ...