Despite variations, children have a fever when their rectal temperature is 100.4 F or higher. Follow these guidelines to determine when your child needs medical attention for a fever. If you have ...
Sure. Well a fever is considered 100.4 rectally. In babies it's really important to take the temperature rectally because that is the most accurate way of doing it. When kids become older then you ...
Dr. Bhargava Okay, well a fever is always the same temperature, its 100.4, but with toddlers you may not be doing the rectal temperature and if you're doing an axillary temperature, which means ...
Home thermometers are trash. I bought my noncontact fever gun in 2020, during what was, in retrospect, a fever-screening ...
What Temperature Is Considered a Fever? Fever temperatures vary according ... skin temperatures and about the same amount lower than rectal or ear temperatures. The following chart includes ...
In this case-based module, GPSI in paediatrics Dr David Capehorn discusses four scenarios involving fever in children and ...