An ancient Chinese practice, feng shui is all about cultivating spaces so the energy of the person living there can thrive. This means the positioning of furniture and even indoor plants matter ...
Even for people who have never heard of feng shui, the idea that a person's state of mind is reflected in their living space (or vice versa) seems pretty intuitive. Wouldn't you feel calmer and more ...
Kua Number is a basic concept in Feng Shui. Kua number is calculated based on the Date of Birth and Gender of a person. According to Feng shui, the year of birth of a person has some influence on ...
My research interests include biostatistics, bioinformatics and computational biology. My main focus is to develop and apply biostatistics and bioinformatics methods to better understand ...
Emily Feng is an international correspondent for NPR covering China, Taiwan and beyond. Feng joined NPR in 2019. She travels to big cities and small villages to report on social trends as well as ...
Flying star is a discipline of Feng Shui which deals with the analysis of stars and its influence on buildings. Good stars, the ones which bring luck, wealth and fame, and the bad stars, which bring ...
John Feng is Newsweek's contributing editor for Asia based in Taichung, Taiwan. His focus is on East Asian politics. He has covered foreign policy and defense matters, especially in relation to U ...
The Feng Yang lab's research involves the investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying therapy-resistance of human cancers, tumor microenvironment - prostate cancer interaction, and developing ...
Rebecca Feng is a Hong Kong-based reporter for The Wall Street Journal, and covers a broad range of finance, banking and markets stories in the region. She also writes about property, asset ...
Dr. Hai-Feng (Frank) Ji is a professor in the Department of Chemistry at Drexel University. In addition, Professor Ji is an affiliated faculty member of the College of Engineering's Department of ...
dc.title: Survey of IP-based air-to-ground data link communication technologies Özmen, Sergun; Hamzaoui, Raouf; Chen, Feng dc.description.abstract: The main purpose of an air ...
This chapter looks at the development of complex societies in northern China. It uses large-scale regions to define some of the major Late Neolithic cultures across northern China and illustrate the ...