Animated under the direction of Kenji Kamiyama, the film easily surpasses the live-action Hobbits. Set 200 years before Bilbo ...
The names Aragon and Frodo may be synonymous with The Lord of the Rings, but Middle-earth's strongest women are both powerful ...
Adapting The Lord of the Rings' strongest female characters would require a challenging dive into some of J.R.R. Tolkien's ...
No elves, no dwarves, and not a hobbit in sight: "The Lord of the Rings" returns to the big screen this month with a new ...
So you could say that Peter Jackson’s Rohirrim were associated with women taking up unexpected roles even before Miranda Otto ...
Sheen and made documentary films chronicling world hunger and created art for Sheen’s weekly TV series, Life Is Worth Living. For the Tolkien Lord of the Rings ... think women in retro clothes ...