Punk Hazard: Immediately turns bizarre with goofy dragon, rifle-wielding yetis, giant kids, goo mountain. Skypiea: Encounter with Enel, giant snake, priests, civil war, and lightning. Thriller ...
My Hero Academia's most underrated arc happens to be one of its best, for a surprising reason that involves a few of the ...
and these old enemies may become more examples of this occurrence. Sometimes, author Eiichiro Oda simply wants to focus on the worldbuilding and story, which is why some arcs are a lot less ...
Story arcs can be very basic, for example a character’s behaviour (a cause) creates a reaction (an effect). Or a story arc could be more complex, for example how a character behaves, thinks ...
This example illustrates the use of the DP and HTRACKS= options to control the routing of the arcs connecting the nodes. The project is a simple construction project with the following data. A ...