The Letters of Ernest Hemingway documents the life and creative ... gaining recognition as one of the most formidable talents of his generation. In this period, Hemingway publishes his first three ...
Ernest Hemingway, Author, Nick Lyons, Editor, Jack Hemingway, Afterword by Lyons Press $29.95 (308p) ISBN 978-1-58574-144-1 The Lyons Press releases three books this November about man's primal ...
Leicester Hemingway is Ernest Hemingway’s younger brother. A commercial fisherman and builder of boats, he looks like Ernest and, like Ernest, has gone to war and written about it. His first ...
In 1934, a young man named Arnold Samuelson was fresh out of journalism school at the University of Minnesota when he read "One Way Across," a short story by Ernest Hemingway. The story later ...