The excitement of Wind Breaker was short-lived, so here are some anime like Wind Breaker to watch while you wait for the new season.
The story follows Ash Lynx, a young gang leader, and Eiji Okumura, a Japanese photographer. As they delve deeper into the mystery of Banana Fish, a sinister drug linked to a traumatic past ...
As his investigation intensifies, he develops a profound relationship with Eiji Okumura, a photographer’s assistant. Banana Fish is an engaging mix of crime, drama, and romance without spreading ...
Players of Persona 5 Royal will see Haru Okumura in the background during various school scenes, but she doesn't become a major part of the story until her father becomes the next target of the ...
That is the word his brother, Griffin, often mutters. Ash has a destined encounter with Eiji, a kind Japanese boy who comes to New York as a cameraman assistant.
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In the article, author Eiji Furukawa presents the concept of "spheres of influence," an idea I think is crucial to understanding Russia and China. Take, for example, China's reaction to Russia's ...