Instead of a gold medal, victors at the ancient Greek Panathenaic Games received terra-cotta pots filled with Athenian olive ...
The precision and complexity of Ctesibius’s water clock still impress modern engineers who study ancient technologies. Consisting of a clay pot, a copper tube, and an iron rod, this artifact ...
Archaeologists conducting excavations at the site of a church have unearthed a marble shrine containing a relic that they believe may be tied to Moses receiving the Ten Commandments. The shrine ...
July 10, 2024 — Ancient DNA from bones and teeth hints at a role of the plague in Stone Age population collapse. Contrary to previous beliefs, the plague may have diminished Europe's populations ...
July 16, 2024 — Researchers have discovered that a single-celled organism, a close relative of animals, harbors the remnants of ancient giant viruses woven into its own genetic code. This ...
The revised Cambridge Ancient History is a brilliant achievement for undergraduate, scholar and informed layman alike; up-to-date, authoritative, readable but never complacent. In an age of ...
If you live a busy life but still enjoy cooking, an Instant Pot could be exactly what you need. Instant Pots are popular because of their versatility (most models cook in at least five different ...
Many of us grew up diving into classic chicken pot pie, one of many types of meat pies from around the world. Historically, meat pies date back to Ancient Egypt and Greece. Although the phrase "pot ...