In the fall of 2007 he resolved to see for himself how ... trees on the planet. He has meticulously measured hundreds, from their mighty bases right up to the individual needles at the top.
This Google Maps image captured in 2021 revealed a mysterious, triangular dark patch in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, ...
With miles of trails and coastline, these parks are home to some of the tallest trees on Earth. The towering redwoods create a canopy that shelters a diverse array of plant and animal species.
Fossil evidence reveals that palm trees once thrived in the Canadian Arctic, challenging everything we know about Earth's ...
Long before any animals were roaming across the earth, trees were here helping to make our planet the green, inhabitable place it is today. Why do trees play such a vital role on the earth? Trees are ...
More than half of the Earth's species of animals and plants live in tropical ... Many live at the top of the trees with lots of sunlight, warmth and food. The biggest animals live on the forest ...