Surprising differences in the two so-called Large Low-Velocity Provinces may risk instability in Earth's protective magnetic field.
A new study of decades worth of seismogram data shows that the surface of Earth’s iron and nickel core is more malleable than ...
Earth was a very different place during its Cryogenian period, around 700 million years ago. It was covered head-to-toe in ...
Deep within Earth’s mantle lie two enormous, continent-sized structures known as LLVPs. Scientists once believed these ...
About 700 million years ago, enormous glaciers flowed across the Earth's surface in powerful frozen rivers like "giant ice ...
International scientists reveal that magma transports gold from the mantle to the surface by means of a sulfur complex.
As massive glaciers scratched and scarred Earth’s rocky surface, they freed less-common minerals, which were later flushed ...
As Earth approaches warmer levels experienced earlier in its geologic history, it may be bad news for human survival.
Earth may now be home to the most glorious beaches in the solar system , but 3 billion years ago, it may have been Mars that ...
Hundreds of millions of years ago, rocks crushed under kilometres of ice injected vital nutrients into Earth’s oceans.
A new study finds large amounts of “white hydrogen” may exist within mountain ranges, raising hopes this clean-burning gas ...
Explore the intriguing concept of snowball Earth and how ancient glaciations reshaped our planet's geology and chemistry.