“While the optimal parameters of a disc golf throw may vary based on physical build, arm speed, and other characteristics of ...
Charlie Eisenhood and Josh Mansfield talk about Prodigy’s CEO change and welcome in Will Schusterick to talk about his ...
The perception may be that after a certain age, you’ve reached most of your milestones. Lorna Daniels is proof that you can ...
You are invited to join BBBS for The Big Throws Disc Golf Tournament! The tournament will be day of disc golf for players of ...
Similar to golf, disc golf requires players to throw flying discs—or frisbees—at a target in a basket or hole. The goal is to ...
For the uninitiated, Frisbee golf (sometimes known as disc golf) is a confusing concept ... based on high-pressure air pushing a piston to throw the Frisbee off of an arm. Initially, the arm ...