Rare surviving examples of decorative paper cutting by schoolgirls in the 17th century have been identified at the National ...
The Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, a master of refined spectacle, once unfurled some bolts of fabric for an exhibition he was designing, then schlepped home the cardboard tubes. That pack-rat move — ...
Innovation takes shape in the exciting new episode of the Paper and Packaging Board’s Pack It! The Packaging Recycling Design Challenge, where tenured host Cassie Stephens enlists the help of former ...
The world of embedded systems is undergoing a significant evolution, affecting the role of the real-time operating system ...
"The plastic pollution crisis demands a fundamental shift in how we design, produce, use, and dispose of plastic." ...
Designing a satellite just larger than a Rubik's Cube may seem daunting to some, but for four Mississippi college students, ...
A fan created impressive paper models of Sinnoh starters' final evolutions, gaining praise from the community. Papercraft ...
Montville ― The town wants to repaint an old, rusty water tower at 430 Maple Avenue, and is asking residents to suggest what ...
Stckmn crafted 'The Only Drop,' a unique whisky packaging celebrating liquid and cask unity. Featuring handcrafted paper pulp ...
An idiosyncratic soul and great creature design keeps Once Human interesting amidst rote and uninteresting survival and ...
Experience the joy of Christmas in a whole new dimension with the Hallmark Paper Wonder Elf Displayable Pop Up Christmas Card ...