Daktari is an American children's drama series that aired on CBS between 1966 and 1969. The series, an Ivan Tors Films Production in association with MGM Television, stars Marshall Thompson as Dr ...
A man on the run from the law slips into Wameru to retrieve stolen loot he had buried there previously. What he doesn't know is that Judy the chimp had already found it and dug it up, and that Dr ...
The life of renowned wildlife conservationist Sue ‘Daktari’ Hart is being turned into a series of TV dramas, under a deal with Hart’s prodco and Australia’s Pacific & Beyond. A subsidiary of Beyond ...
If you are an ardent user of social media, you must have come across some of Tom Daktari's rib-cracking videos. In his native Kamba accent, Daktari has mastered the art of marketing different ...