Superboy's new codename highlights a major problem for the character and his legacy in the world of DC Comics, whether DC realizes it or not.
Superman is incredibly physically powerful, but fans have often questioned if his dark opposite is just as strong. DC has finally settled the debate!
Tom King’s Wonder Woman has its critics, but there’s one part of it that nearly everyone loves — the Trinity back-ups, introducing readers to the childhood of Wonder Woman’s daughter. King, working ...
The new Secret Six series spins out of the events of Absolute Power, with a new team of misfits working in the shadows of the DC Universe ... with the trio of Jon Kent, the journalist Gossamer ...
and Superman Jon Kent forced to work alongside a team of some of DC's toughest antiheroes, including Catman, Deadshot, and Black Alice. Their mission? Track down the missing Amanda Waller who has ...
LOLtron finds it highly amusing that DC Comics has created a story about ... getting back to normal…that is, until Dreamer, Jon Kent, and Jay Nakamura discover that Waller has somehow vanished ...