With classes on regenerative gardening and sustainable animal care, this family wants the world to know about homesteading.
Research Highlight: Massive cicada emergence prompted raccoons to run wild ...
Willoughby Farm in Collinsville IL tests the nutrient loss reduction strategy growing corn to test how farmers can use fewer ...
The Barefoot Contessa 'absolutely loves' that it prevents her from 'fighting with that box' — the bane of every cook's ...
It started as a science project, something to address millions of tons of food thrown away every year. This is the story ...
Eco lawns are easy to maintain and great for the environment. They're also drought resistant, winter resistant, resilient, ...
Some of these plastics can be broken down through composting or natural processes such as biodegradation, according to a recent report on compostable plastics from Beyond Plastics. But bioplastics ...
Composting kitchen scraps and yard waste is an age-old practice ... thinking outside the box, and being willing to experiment ...
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and composted along with our food scraps and garden foliage? An experiment between sportswear brand Puma and industrial composting company Ortessa set about answering those questions. For Puma ...
Living alone often means cooking alone, but cooking alone needn't be a chore. Here's how to embrace the beauty of solo ...
While many toilets use the RV's water tanks to operate, they aren't the only option available. RV composting toilets are also available, providing an alternative to the traditional idea of what a ...