You won't lack for choices, either. There are a wide array of orange flowers to choose from. Whether you're adding flowers to ...
The summer heat is here, but that doesn't mean gardening has to be a sweaty activity. Shade gardens can offer enjoyment, as ...
I grow flats and flats of annual cutting flowers. I’ve gradually added more and more perennials so that the beds are full with color and don't require new seedlings every year. Here are the ...
Petunias, coleus and geraniums are putting on a great show on the patio. Seated there, I can enjoy the vista of the perennial ...
These low-maintenance shrubs bloom during the hottest months of the year. Enjoy summer flowers when you add a few ...
He killed his Bermuda grass lawn with cardboard and planted plants better suited for California. Six years later, his DIY ...
Include colorful tomato and pepper varieties in mixed borders and flower beds. Use decorative obelisks and supports when ...
When we want to add color to the garden, most of us set our sights on flowers. But many leaf-forward plants can outlast and ...
Setting a clear intention can improve your design decisions and plant choices — especially if you’re “a nursery grabber” who ...
Botanically known as Toxicodendron radicans, poison ivy contains oily chemical compounds called urushiols in its leaves, ...
As someone strolls along the sidewalk in front of the Danville Public Library, they are greeted by the enchanting sight of bees, wasps, a variety of butterflies, and even some mydas flies flitting ...
Many are hardy enough, but we were never hot enough. In recent summers, however, I’ve seen them blooming in local gardens.