China is far from the only nation combating wildlife smuggling. In 2022, US officials caught a man attempting to enter the ...
In China, snakes can be farmed and eaten. But they can't be carried alive into the country, even — or especially — if you try ...
A smuggler attempting to transport 104 non-native live snakes was thwarted at a border station between Hong Kong and southern ...
Texas rat snakes, and bullsnakes. Notably, four of these species are classified as non-native to China and are prohibited from entry without proper certification under Chinese regulations.
Customs officers in the southern Chinese city of ... Five species of snakes were later identified – the milk snake, western hognose snake, corn snake, Texas rat snake and bullsnake – four ...
Big and beautiful surprises await the collective in the week of July 22 - 28, 2024. But before we look at the weekly ...
Customs officers in the southern Chinese ... of 104 snakes were found." Five species of snakes were later identified - the milk snake, western hognose snake, corn snake, Texas rat snake and ...
Milk, corn, gopher, Texas rat ... 15 snakes and four giant Amazonian centipedes in her clothes, and another attempting to sneak five snakes within her tank top over the past year. Chinese law ...