Typical treatment options include the following ... Cervical vertigo, also known as cervicogenic dizziness, leads to disorientation, balance loss, headache, neck pain, and limited range of ...
Here are some common drugs that can cause dizziness (all require a prescription, unless noted), plus what to consider trying instead. If you don't see your drug here but you've noticed dizziness ...
Are you searching for medications to treat 'Vertigo'? Welcome to this page which serves as an archive for medications that are relevant to the treatment of Vertigo. The page includes both the ...
Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t have a cure, and there aren’t yet treatments that can stop its progression, but there are Alzheimer’s drugs that can help people with their memory and thinking ...
As the leading advocate for healthy psychotherapy, we are approached daily by people who want advice about psychotropic medication. The most common question people have is whether GoodTherapy.org ...
Vertigo is caused by a disturbance of the vestibulocochlear nerve, which is responsible for hearing and balance. [iStockphoto ...
For many mental health conditions, clinicians frequently recommend the use of psychotropic medications—those that influence a person’s mental state, such as antidepressants—as a treatment ...
“Obesity is a condition that affects more than 40% of our adult population and when factoring in candidacy for medications, such as those with overweight and a weight-related condition, the ...
For those who may have been feeling a bit dizzy when standing up quickly or even when changing positions while sleeping – a ...
However, this type of medication did cause side effects, including dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal issues. Semaglutide and tirzepatide medications are both examples of GLP ...
There are simple vertigo exercises you can do from the comfort of home that stop "the spins". We asked experts to break down ...