Two members of Congress recently introduced a bill that would speed up federal claims for Marines and other service members ...
Those affected cannot wait any longer. Congress can now pass the Camp Lejeune Technical Corrections (HR 8535) and Senate ...
Camp Lejeune Officials say there is no specific threat to the community, but they are taking the necessary precautions and increasing security to ensure both military and civilian safety.
Veterans issues relating to Camp Lejeune including the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2021 (HR. 2192 and S.3176) and H.R.3967 - Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Veterans issues relating to Camp Lejeune ...
Scammers take advantage of new opportunities. And they’ve apparently been drawn by the fact that Congress in 2021 passed the Camp Lejeune Justice Act to allow veterans to sue for compensation ...