Biden picked then-Sen. Kamala Harris as his own running mate in 2020. In 2016, Hillary Clinton picked Sen. Tim Kaine as ...
Former Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines and CNN senior political analyst Gloria Borger on Wednesday, discussed the ...
A popular post and meme both claimed, "The media's anti-Biden noise isn't an accident," then listed eight news organizations' ...
Huma Abedin, former aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is engaged to Alex Soros, son of billionaire ...
I mean, just a couple of days ago, we heard President Biden in a conference call with his donors saying we need to put a ...
On the first day of the 2024 RNC, Donald Trump also chose Sen. JD Vance, a 39-year-old freshman from Ohio, as his running ...
Which option unnerves Democrats more? The risks of a messy convention fight, or rolling the dice on one more campaign with ...
The media worked with the Democrat Party to hide Biden's obvious problems. But now, they can't hide them anymore, and ...