The key, he says, "is to work away from you ... The post The right (and wrong) way to rake a bunker, according to a legendary caddie appeared first on Golf.
Want to be a better golfer? Forget about swing speed or the latest putting tips, and learn to rake a bunker. Here, a master of the art shows you how.
Q. When may I rake the bunker? A. When your ball is in a bunker, you may rake the bunker at any time to care for the course as long as you do not improve the conditions affecting your upcoming stroke ...
The topic: how to rake a bunker properly. In a social media video ... On cue, Cowan gives a demonstration, narrating his actions as he goes. The key, he says, “is to work away from you.” ...
Q. When may I rake the bunker? A. When your ball is in a bunker, you may rake the bunker at any time to care for the course as long as you do not improve the conditions affecting your upcoming stroke ...
Ever wonder how much a bunker rake weighs? Try picking one up. It used to be a hallmark of a good golfer to rake a bunker. Forget the scorecard, I mean good as in conscientious. As in sophisticated.