Brienne of Tarth is among ... That being said, Jaime Lannister is the worst. Jaime Lannister would sell out anyone out for his sister Cersei. Sure, we’d all do the same for the people we love ...
It also pretty much granted Dany permission to unleash a fiery hell on King’s Landing to get to Cersei Lannister ... the union of Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth. But did they handle ...
Ellaria kills Cersei's daughter Myrcella ... up being used by Joffrey for target practice. 19. Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth Jaime, far too devoted to his sister, would never dream of ...
No? Just me, then. You may also like Game of Thrones villain… or hero? In defence of Cersei Lannister. What I can’t get on board with, though, is how the show has dealt with Westeros’ other ...
We've now had nearly a decade with "Game of Thrones," and the cast of hundreds of characters that have graced the screen, from the lofty Queen Cersei ... while Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline ...
If art imitates life, then Cersei Lannister is the only possible Iron Throne contender. At least until a marauding army of White Walkers overwhelms King's Landing and completes the transformation ...
Check out the latest news, pictures, articles and videos of Cersei Lannister. Our editorial team handpicks these articles on a daily basis just for you. True Detective season one came out in 2014 ...
Cersei Lannister might say that "power is ... and all my life I've been knocking men like you into the dust." — Brienne of Tarth Similar to Tyrion's predicament, Brienne never fit in with ...