Thieves have stolen a mural of the Ten Commandments and other Victorian murals from a church in Lincolnshire, England Having ...
Testing constitutional limits, Republicans in at least 15 states have introduced legislation this year that would require the ...
Testing constitutional limits, Republicans in at least 15 states have introduced legislation this year that would require the ...
God originally gave Moses ten all-encompassing commandments which the children of Israel had a hard time keeping, let alone the 613 that were added! Interestingly, one of the definitions for the ...
Moses brought them down from Mount Sinai to the children of Israel, and now Gillsville Republican state Rep. Emory Dunahoo ...
The Ten Commandments were supposed to go up in every public school classroom by the start of this year, but five parishes do ...
A church warden has urged a thief who swiped a painting of the Ten Commandments, containing the directive “Thou shalt not ...
Nebraska legislators proposed bills to allow for chaplains add the national and state mottos and the Ten Commandments to ...
Thieves have stolen a painting of the Ten Commandments featuring the decree “Thou shalt not steal”. The depiction of the ...