Microsoft Designer isn't a typical AI image generator. It offers dozens of real-world templates for invitations, cards, and ...
Microsoft has become one of the latest companies to enter the generative AI arena with its Bing Image Creator platform. So what can it do and should you use it over competing image generators like ...
The whole CarynAI saga is far from the first controversy involving an AI-driven persona, with Microsoft’s pilot Bing chatbot ‘malfunctioning’ in early 2023. It began flirting with one user ...
The new Bing includes a chat feature that is powered by a next-generation version of OpenAI's large language model, which Microsoft claims is ‘more powerful than ChatGPT.’ This AI chatbot ...
Microsoft may now include AI generated content within the Bing Search people also ask sections. Bing is labeling some of the people also ask boxes with the disclaimer, "Includes Al generated content.
Microsoft released a free AI image creator, Bing Image Creator. The Bing Image Creator uses an upgraded version of OpenAI 's DALL-E. Below, check out how to use Bing Image Creator and some ...
Bing gives you links to follow, and that makes it a juicy target. We’re right on the edge of a new security landscape, because even the white hats are facing a black box in the AI. So far ...
These transformative trends have given rise to a new class of dominant tech sector players, companies that are not merely ...
In June, Swiss investment bank UBS published a report that estimated artificial intelligence (AI) will add $1.2 trillion ...
Multiple DCF scenarios for Nvidia indicate that only unrealistic assumptions justify its current $3 trillion market cap. Read ...
“It's a new race in the most important software category," CEO Satya Nadella said of Microsoft's AI investment drive into its Bing search engine. Microsoft said it will embed a newer version of ...
The technology sector has been the primary driver of market gains since early last year, with the boom in AI stocks setting ...