North Bengal IGP Rajesh Kumar Yadav said the incident took in the Panjipara area of North Dinajpur district when the accused got out of the vehicle to attend to nature's call and then opened fire ...
Barrackpore, West Bengal (January 21, 2025): A massive fire broke out at a shopping mall near Barrackpore station on Ghoshpara ... Barrackpore, West Bengal (January 21, 2025): A massive fire broke out ...
Kolkata: A massive fire broke out at a super marker at Ashram Mod in Asansol city of West Bengal on Sunday. Upon recieving the news, several fire tenders were rushed at the spot to douse off the fire.
North Bengal IGP Rajesh Kumar Yadav said the incident took in the Panjipara area of North Dinajpur district when the accused got out of the vehicle to attend to nature's call and then opened fire on ...