Quick and easy to prepare, this Bengali dish is very healthy and delicious. It is a perfect way of eating Brinjal for those who don’t like it. It is a popular street food and a perfect dish to serve ...
But who cares? Ask any Bengali, beguni (brinjal frites, as the French would call it) with tea on a rainy monsoon evening is ...
This delightful khichdi is usually served with Labra, Beguni and Payesh. 104501583 Labra Labra is yet another delicacy, which is prepared during the festival of Durga Puja. Labra is a delightful ...
Telebhaja (Fritters) Kolkata's rainy days are incomplete without Telebhaja, a variety of deep-fried fritters that range from beguni (batter-fried eggplant) to mochar chop (banana blossom fritters).
His directorial debut with the mega-serial "Lal Neel Beguni" was a resounding success, showcasing his talent behind the camera. Building on this, he went on to direct other notable serial dramas ...