A starburst galaxy, ablaze with stars in the process of forming, is devouring surrounding dwarf galaxies in a stunning new image from the Gemini North twin telescopes. Bright red and pink strands ...
The telluric screw plotted the atomic weights of the elements on the outside of a cylinder, so that one complete turn corresponded to an atomic weight increase of 16. As the diagram shows, this ...
In humankind's ever-ticking pursuit of perfection, scientists have developed an atomic clock that is more precise and accurate than any clock previously created. The new clock was built by ...
Michael Wang is an elementalist. The multi-disciplinary conceptual artist and architect has spun the ephemeral qualities of air into the tactile, toyed with the transmutational properties of water ...
Everything in the world is made from about 100 different chemical elements that join together in different ways to form all the solids, liquids and gases we see around us. All of the elements have ...
The method chosen depends on the type of mixture. Atomic structure - AQA Atoms consist of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons in shells. The numbers of subatomic ...
Atomic and molecular physics it the study of the properties, dynamics and interactions of the basic (but not fundamental) building blocks of matter. A crucial component of this is understanding ...
Written to President Franklin D Roosevelt, in 1939, the note warns that Nazi Germany might be able to create such weapons - and suggests the US begins its own atomic programme. Three years later ...
The Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (JAAS) is the central journal for publishing innovative research on fundamentals, instrumentation, and methods in the determination, speciation and ...
Hiroshima, the Japanese city devastated by a US atomic bomb in 1945, is at the center of a growing controversy after local officials dismissed calls to disinvite Israel from its annual ceremony ...