Buddhism encountered a fascinating fusion with Greek culture in ancient times. Why did this Eastern religion adopt a Greek ...
Back in Grand Canyon National Park and the nearby Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument, there are a couple of locations ...
Instead of a gold medal, victors at the ancient Greek Panathenaic Games received terra-cotta pots filled with Athenian olive ...
Ancient Romans would have hated the show's use of color grading and the lack of texture in Those About To Die for reasons ...
These coastal civilizations have long since disappeared under the waves. But new technology is revolutionizing underwater ...
The art museum has thousands of pieces in its collection, with works spanning 6,000 years. How many paintings are displayed?
After years of standing by their sides, these guards find these pieces of art deeply meaningful. You might too.
The art of enamelling in 2024: Metamorphosis Autumn set, from De Beers. Photos: Handout One of the most expressive decorative arts, enamelling’s history stretches back as far as the 13th century BC.
Tattooing is an ancient and ubiquitous art form. The oldest evidence found so far of people decorating their bodies with imagery is Otzi the Iceman, whose body was found in the Otztal Alps near the ...
From Celtic tribes to Roman conquerors, medieval knights to revolutionaries, each period of time shaped Paris into the ...
Micheal O’Siadhail’s ‘Desire’ and Angela Alaimo O’Donnell’s ‘Dear Dante’ are collections designed and erected meticulously in ...
In CLeM, there is a little voodoo doll, not so far away in looks from Playstation’s Sackboy, working as our hero and the one ...