Everyone knows Antarctica is cold and icy, but what's underneath the ice has been a mystery. Scientists used six decades' ...
Stanford researchers discovered that increased meltwater and rainfall account for 60% of the decades-long gap between ...
Climate models have predicted that the ocean surrounding Antarctica should be warming, but new research shows that it's ...
Iceberg A-84 broke off from Antarctica and revealed a thriving community of sea creatures underneath. Now, researchers are ...
Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...
Subglacial water in Antarctica reshapes sea level rise predictions and reveals ancient drainage flow patterns.
"But Antarctica is not an apolitical human paradise with untouched nature—a sort of continent for scientific inquiry alone.
Last week, the BAS released Bedmap3, "the most detailed map yet" of Antarctica's landscape beneath its blanket of ice, a ...
Melting on the Antarctic Ice Sheet for the 2024 to 2025 season began with above average melt extents in all regions, but melt ...
Never seen, perhaps, but that doesn't mean forever to remain unknown. For years, the British Antarctic Survey has been flying ...
Scientists have determined that at least six new aquatic species have been thriving under an Antarctic ice shelf.
For all of human history, Antarctica has been ice-covered and desolate. Now, a new model shows the hidden continent beneath ...