Karl Rove contends that the president ‘presided over the Tariff of Abominations.’ This requires some clarification.
Check out Stuart Whitehurst’s appraisal of an 1832 Andrew Jackson Proclamation ... During the Jackson's administration, there were some very heavy tariffs, and the Southerners, particularly ...
Economic policy cemented Jackson's legacy as a populist. When South Carolina nullified a federal tariff that displeased ... but was beholden to no voter -- in 1832, Jackson vetoed it, dismantling ...
It is a description of Andrew Jackson ... president’s tariffs as unconstitutional. Jackson soon was vetoing bills like no president before him. The big one was a veto in 1832 of a bill to ...
Yet left unsaid is the mess Andrew Jackson bequeathed his successors in the years leading to the Civil War. Those mostly undistinguished men failed tests of peaceful westward expansion ...