it does involve “rituals that remind the wayward of their sin and seek to bring them back into fellowship.” When a person is ...
When an Amish person is baptized ... He who thinks on these things will shun much sin and will be diligent in the way of salvation. 4. On the Sabbath especially take note of the wonderful works ...
This is allowed and not considered a sin by the Amish. However, divorce would result in excommunication. Premarital sex is also frowned upon. In case of a premarital pregnancy, marrying quickly is ... The author of several books about the Amish and other Anabaptist groups, Donald B. Kraybill is a ...
Editor's note: Originally posted in March 2015. A quick Google search of the phrase “is Amish Mafia real” nets about 7,890,000 results in just 0.23 seconds. Inquiring minds need to know.