Fulka is a village / panchayat located in the Gir Gadhada Taluka of Gir Somnath district in Gujarat State, India. Earlier, until August 2013, Fulka was part of Una Taluka and Junagadh district. The latitude 20.852229 and longitude 70.940516 are the geo-coordinate of the Village Fulka. Gandhinagar is the state capital of Fulka village which is located arou…Fulka is a village / panchayat located in the Gir Gadhada Taluka of Gir Somnath district in Gujarat State, India. Earlier, until August 2013, Fulka was part of Una Taluka and Junagadh district. The latitude 20.852229 and longitude 70.940516 are the geo-coordinate of the Village Fulka. Gandhinagar is the state capital of Fulka village which is located around 400 kilometers away from Fulka.